Kira’s dev notes#

Just yet another developer notes which I have made for my reference and re-collection.



  • Composition pattern

  • Straggler Problem

  • Tumbling Windows - Apache Flink

  • Stream Processing

Rate Limiter


  • Prevent DDoS

  • Implement service limits like free user can make 100 calls per day

  • Prevent abuse or brute-force attacks e.g., login


  • Microservices Patterns:

    • Saga

    • Transactions (please research on these)

    • CQRS

    • API Composer

    • Service Discovery

    • Circuit Breaker

  • Caching (in MS or Application level)

  • Exposure on Hystrix, Eureka – Good to have

  • Swagger for API Documentation

  • How to roll back the Transactions in case of exceptions, How to cancel?

  • CQRS in API and DB

  • OAuth 2.0

  • API Gateway:

    • Any enterprise API gateways like Kong, APIGee, Mulesoft, AWS API gateway, Zuul etc, Policies, roles and responsibilities, reverse proxy, rate limiting, filters etc.

  • Deep understanding of SOLID design principles – Must have

  • Design Patterns:

    • Adaptor

    • Builder

    • Decorator

    • Factory

    • Singleton

    • Strategy

    • Template

  • Generics Upper and Lower Bounds, Wild Card, Type Eraser

  • Collections:

    • HashSet

    • LinkedHashSet

    • TreeSet

    • Hashmap

    • HashTable

    • LinkedHashMap

    • TreeMap,

    • ArrayList, Vector, LinkedList

  • When should we use linked blocking queue and when array blocking queue

  • Implementation of blocking queue

  • Executor Framework, Deadlock, Fork & Join, Synchronization, Latch and barrier, ReentrantLock

  • How do you take Heap dump in Java?

  • What’s the difference heap dump and Thread Dump?

  • Blocking Queue functionality (Array and Linked)

  • Concurrent Hashmap internal working, Difference between Concurrent Hashmap and hashmap

  • CompletableFuture

  • Thread pool and its implementation. How to write a custom thread pool? Different types of Threadpool – Fixed, Cached, - Single, Scheduler, Work Stealing

  • Object level vs class level locking

  • wait(), notify() and notifyAll() with use cases

  • Difference between Callable and Runnable Interfaces

  • Difference between yield() and join()

  • Semaphores

  • Profiler

  • JVM Configuration

  • GC Algos (Mark & Sweep, Series & parallel GC, Full and partial GC) should be aware how to do memory profiling

  • Java 8

    • Lambda Expressions

    • Streams (Parallel, Serial, lazy), Streams

    • Predicate

    • Function Interface and its various flavours

    • CompletableFuture

    • Optional in Java 8

  • Able to write queries using different types of aggregate functions, Group By, Having Clause

  • Good understanding of indexes – Clustered and Non Clustered, Concept of sharding in databases

  • NoSQL experience is a huge advantage.

  • Event based programming

  • Distributed Tracing

  • Scaling

  • REST API: Versioning, Pagination, Mocking

  • Production Support/Production Deployment & Bug Fixing (Canary/Blue Green deployment)

  • How have you been involved? Production deployment checklist that was followed and operational steps taken?

  • Log Monitoring Tools:

  • ELK Stack, Splunk, Grafana