

Bean lifecycle#

  • Use annotations @PostConstruct, @PreDestroy, @Bean

  • Implement InitializingBean DisposableBean

@Bean vs @Component#

The @Bean and @Component annotation’s can be used to create beans that can be injected into each other.

  • The @Bean annotation is a method-level annotation, whereas @Component is a class-level annotation.

  • The @Component annotation doesn’t need to be used with the @Configuration annotation, whereas the @Bean generic annotation has to be used within a class annotated with @Configuration.

  • If you want to create a single bean for a class from an external library, you cannot just add the @Component annotation because you cannot edit the class. However, you can declare a method annotated with @Bean and return an object of this class from this method.

  • There are several specializations of the @Component annotation, whereas @Bean doesn’t have any specialized stereotype annotations.

Spring developers typically prefer Spring @Component annotation whenever possible. The @Bean annotation is mainly used for producing beans of unmodifiable classes or creating configs.

Specializations of components in Spring#

As mentioned above, there are several specializations of components depending on their role in Spring applications:

  • @Component indicates a generic Spring component.

  • @Service indicates a business logic component but doesn’t provide any additional functions.

  • @Controller / @RestController indicates a component that can work in REST web services.

  • @Repository indicates a component that interacts with an external data storage (e.g., a database).

Transaction propagations#









Solution Architecture Document#


Common annotations




Enable auto-configuration of Spring Application Context, attempts to guess and configure the beans that you are likely to need based on the classpath and the beans you’ve already set up.


Composition annotation of @SpringBootConfiguration, @EnableAutoConfiguration and @ComponentScan


Indicates that class declares one or more @Bean methods and may be processed by Spring Container





Design Patterns Used in Spring Framework#

  • Factory

  • Inversion of Control

  • Proxy

Spring Cloud#

  • Distributed/versioned configuration

  • Service registration and discovery

  • Routing

  • Service-to-service calls

  • Load balancing

  • Circuit Breakers

  • Global locks

  • Leadership election and cluster state

  • Distributed messaging